Hunter Metapathia training, Bioresonance training, Hunter Metapathia classes, Biophilia training, 8D Lris , ISHA Meta Human 5000+, ISHA Virus, ISHA DNA, ISHA Aura,
Biophilia Tracker training, 17D, 19D.

Notice: before reading any further or ordering, please read our medical disclaimer. If you continue, you agree.


The ISHA classes levels 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 will soon be available in 45+ languages subtitled.
But originally spoken in english by Meta Grandmaster. So you get the healing freqs too 🙂

For the first 30 minutes to see go here;

ISHA Class level 1 in 45+ languages:

ISHA Biophilia Tracker / ISHA Meta Human 5000+ / ISHA Biophilia X1 in 45+ languages:

Yes, we had to wait untill many researches from ISHA and other global (wellknown) scientist were finalized …. 😀
But is is coming …. the final part of The FREE ISHA cure + Protocols and Bioresonance treatment examples
What to expect ❓

1). a scientifically proof of 90% recovery of the vaccinated , of blood, organs, brains, heart, nerves and many more The rubber strings shall be gone and all related will vanish …..
2). recovery of: depressions, anxity, fears, and other brain related issues
3). cure of infections within 2 days , even the malaria
4). skin related cures
5). Cure for roulleaux, blood related issues
6). and much much more 😆

When to expect ❓
MGM Wim is working hard to implement all research, findings, tests, scientific links, etc
And his goal is to finish it before the end of  this year, so within last 1e quarter 2025
More info will follow
Much love, good health, and recovery for all
The ISHA global team

WARNING ! : Only the Apprentice Masters who did the ISHA Classes levels 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8  are allowed to order level 9 
If you did not and order…. 50$ will be charged. Non Persit.

The ISHA Classes are in english but if you do not understand english you can translate in 45+ languages with Flixier

TRANSLATION of ISHA Classes > TO SPANISH, FRENCH, ITALY,  or any language ??
Use Flixier to add subtitles in your language or even do more …..

The official ISHA classes need to be ordered by the ISHA webshop, you will receive an official invoice from ISHA.


If you are contacted by a person ALWAYS ask for proof by communication of the official ISHA email

and ONLY do ordering by the official ISHA webshop

* All ISHA Classes are LIFE recorded and in UK aka English language. Do not order if you do not understand English.
NO refunds after ordering and receivement of classes !

IMPORTANT NOTICE : These classes are for YOUR personal usage. You may watch them for years to learn. Do NOT
share with others. We marked all videos with a code, so we will know.

Certificates are only for customers who did buy officially the classes, logically 🙂

We all know the start is the most difficult? Right? Nope, Wrong   🙂
Not anymore. Even for professionals with 25 years of experience in Quantum healing and NLS,
THESE classes will be groundbreaking!

There is NO place where these secrets will be teached …. 16 + hours of REAL high science degree teachings and secrets !
To watch as many times, as you want, forever ! You will learn and know more than any specialist did in over 10 years ….. 🙂
And learn the real working protocols for new insights of real body working and healing.
YES, this is not only about NLS, its about all you need to know to make a change !

In short: to be succesfull, like our professional members in over 173 countries worldwide ….
(*you can check the number of countries in the forum index page, you will see 169 countries and the members) 🙂

Our ISHA students are : you, members, starters, healers of all kind, therapists of many origins, doctors of all kind, internists, psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists,
professors in many countries.

you need….

1). The FREE ISHA cure (see main menu in forum)
2). The ISHA Protocolls (see free isha cure)
3). The ISHA Apprentice Masters Classes Level 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
4). You need the combination of the most powerful and extended software ever in 30 years :
ISHA Hunter Metatron + ISHA Virus Expert Pro + ISHA DNA Expert Pro + ISHA Aura Commandments Expert Pro Physio.

The value is as said by experts 10 to 20 times ….. the price asked. But we want it to be available for all despite their income!
IF you want to know it ALL about NLS but certainly about  REAL FAST REAL healing, you certainly need
The Apprentice Masters Classes  so you can watch many times and learn like other users, therapists, doctors,
scientists and even professors worldwide from 173 countries. You will learn more then others did in 10 years, even specialists.

Please see here an example what to expect

Now let the magical journey of knowledge and healing begin……


IMPORTANT: when you order, order at YOUR registered name, at least register your name at ” Delivery address”
The classes and certificate will be registered at the name YOU filled in on the order. If not, NO certificate.

Certificates will NOT be registered on a company name but always on a 1 persons private name, who did buy the ISHA classes and studied the classes,
and who has been active on the forum for at least 3 months.

You can not order a driver’s license on 2 names, right ?
Or do you allow other people to be in your practice by another name \ person ?
Do you share the 2e person and treat \ help them for free ? Nope, you do not.

So that’s also with the ISHA classes and certification, logically.
The name registered and paid for, is the name with your personal rights for the certification

This also counts for teachings done by our educated ISHA teachers.
Remote teaching from free independant ISHA teachers will not provide you the rights to order a ISHA Certificate.
Before ordering the ISHA 24k Gold Certificate or pdf, be sure you did buy the ISHA classes.
After that you can order the ISHA certificate.

The independent teacher  is 100% free and does not have to pay a single penny towards ISHA.
So a cost (profit) benefit for you or your organisation and also for the independant teacher.
Also, we can not control the quality of the teached (remote) sessions
The ISHA classes need to be used for many years to come. Every time the person will learn more.
That is a significant fact as all know in 172 countries.

Note: if the independant teacher did promise a ISHA certificate, you or he has to pay for it towards ISHA.
Thats your(s) choice.
